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+1 805 482 5061
Pleasant Valley Water Company’s water supply is obtained from several sources. 80% of our water comes from two local groundwater wells; the other 20% is purchased from the State Water Project and is imported by the Calleguas Municipal Water District via the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. The ground water we produce goes through an iron and manganese filtration plant before its delivered to our customers.
The purpose of a back-flow prevention device is to keep unsafe drinking water from mixing with the potable water supply. A back-flow prevention device must be installed on all residential irrigation systems, fire sprinkler systems, commercial facilities where chemicals are used, boiler systems, and other systems where drinking water could become contaminated.
P.V.M.W.C. and the State of California require that all back-flow prevention devices, with the exception of atmospheric vacuum breakers, be tested annually by a certified back-flow prevention devise tester. This testing process helps ensure a safe drinking water supply for the residents.